News Miliband tells Scotland “there will be no deal, no pact, no coalition, no tie-in with the SNP” Ed Miliband is in Glasgow this evening where he’ll be speaking at a rally following a day of campaigning… 1st May, 2015, 7:50 pm
Comment Scotland has a choice: between a fairer economy or a second referendum In a few days’ time Scotland can elect MPs who will work every day to improve the lives… Jim Murphy 1st May, 2015, 2:06 pm
News Miliband suggests he’d rather not be in government than do a “deal” or “coalition” with the SNP During tonight’s question time debate, Miliband was faced with a number of questions about Labour potentially doing a… 30th April, 2015, 9:36 pm
News Labour have 3 point lead in 50 most marginal Tory-held seats Labour have a three point lead over the Tories across the 50 most marginal Tory-held seats, a poll… 29th April, 2015, 5:01 pm
News Scottish voters don’t want second referendum – but the SNP are refusing to rule one out Nicola Sturgeon is refusing to rule out a second independence referendum while SNP candidates are talking up the… 29th April, 2015, 12:51 pm
News Sturgeon gives backing to abusive Twitter troll candidate Nicola Sturgeon has given her backing to the SNP candidate who until earlier this month was using an… 28th April, 2015, 3:42 pm
Comment Jeez, the man is desperate When Bob Hawke was fighting his first General Election in Australia, the then Conservative Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser… John Spellar 28th April, 2015, 12:49 pm
News More polls heap on concern for Scottish Labour There have been two more polls in Scotland over the past day, showing very little to be optimistic… 27th April, 2015, 12:12 pm
News Ed Miliband says “I’m not doing deals with the SNP” Ed Miliband was on Andrew Marr this morning – and he went further than he’s gone before on… 26th April, 2015, 9:59 am
News LabourList Podcast – Milifandom, the SNP and the NHS This week Maya, Conor and Mark record the podcast outside in the sunshine (complete with a spontaneous display… 23rd April, 2015, 5:04 pm