Labour has the wrong leader, according to majority of voters


More than three-quarters of voters believe Labour does not have the right leader, a new poll claims.

Some 77 per cent said Jeremy Corbyn is the wrong leader and 73 per cent said the party does not have the correct policies, the survey for the Sunday Mirror found.

The ComRes poll was carried out in the aftermath of Labour’s shock loss of the Copeland seat, which was in the party’s hands for more than 80 years. Gareth Snell, Labour’s candidate in Stoke-on-Trent Central, defeated UKIP after a wretched campaign from Paul Nuttall and a strong local campaign.

The study also showed that more than a third of Labour voters think Jeremy Corbyn should be replaced as Labour leader.

A fifth of Labour voters fear the party is too left wing at the moment, and one in six believe that the party doesn’t have the right policies to win the next general election.


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