The government must advise on high-rise office safety after Grenfell – the TUC


The government must provide guidance to employers with staff in high-rise buildings, about how to test for safety after the Grenfell fire, the TUC have urged.

Workers in these building need “urgent reassurances about their safety”, TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady has said, “and if there is any risk to them, there must be immediate action.”.

“Millions of people across the UK work in high-rise buildings, many of which could have cladding and insulation similar to that used in Grenfell Tower,” she added.

The trade union group have welcomed the advice given to hospitals and schools, and want it to be extended to employers.

“The government should give advice to employers on how to ensure that their buildings are safe. That includes information about what types of cladding and insulation material may be dangerous, how to get samples tested and what remedial action they should take if their cladding fails safety tests.”

“The government needs to ensure that all high-rise buildings are made safe.”

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