Labour members, affiliate members and registered supporters will begin voting in the leadership election today, and they will be choosing between Keir Starmer, Rebecca Long-Bailey and Lisa Nandy until ballots close on April 2nd. The final result will be announced two days later at a special conference.
Throughout the contest, the three leadership hopefuls have made various policy announcements – from outward-looking ideas for the country to internal party reforms that could change the working of Labour in crucial ways. This is our guide to the platforms of Starmer, Long-Bailey and Nandy, listing each proposal followed by a source.
Keir Starmer
Internal party reforms
- Resolve future and outstanding antisemitism cases swiftly and under a fixed timetable. (The Jewish Chronicle)
- Scrap the national constitutional committee and create an independent disciplinary process. (The Jewish Chronicle, LabourList)
- Prevent the readmittance of prominent antisemitism offenders. (The Jewish Chronicle)
- Suspend any who have campaigned for or supported those expelled for antisemitism. (The Jewish Chronicle)
- Adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism without qualification. (The Jewish Chronicle)
- Re-engage the Jewish Labour Movement to lead on anti-racism training. (The Jewish Chronicle)
- Engage with Jewish members through only its “main representative groups”. (The Jewish Chronicle)
- Take personal responsibility for putting an end to antisemitism within Labour. (The Jewish Chronicle)
- End national executive committee impositions of parliamentary candidates. (LabourList)
- Create an assembly of trade unionists and members to look at how Labour develops policy. (LabourList)
- Push for increased representation of councillors on the NEC. (LabourList)
- Introduce all-BAME shortlists. (LabourList)
- Establish a Labour Party College offering political education and training. (LabourList)
- Conduct a review into disabled access with the party. (Starmer for leader website)
Taxation, welfare and the economy
- Increase income tax for the top 5% of earners. (Starmer for leader website)
- Reverse the Conservative’s cuts to corporation tax. (Starmer for leader website)
- Abolish Universal Credit. (The Mirror)
- End the welfare sanctions regime. (Starmer for leader website)
- Set a national goal for wellbeing on a par with GDP. (Starmer for leader website)
- Introduce public ownership of rail, mail, water and energy. (We Own It)
- Bring prisons and probation services wholly back in-house. (We Own It)
- End NHS privatisation and reinstate the NHS on the basis of its founding principles. (We Own It)
- Roll out full-fibre broadband through a publicly owned infrastructure provider. (We Own It)
- Scrap university tuition fees. (Starmer for leader website)
- Invest in lifelong learning. (Starmer for leader website)
- End the academies and free schools project and ensure schools are under local democratic control. (We Own It)
- Put the green new deal “at the heart of everything we do”. (Starmer for leader website)
- Introduce a Clean Air Act to combat air pollution. (Starmer for leader website)
- Introduce a Military Prevention Act to prevent illegal wars. (Starmer for leader website)
- Review UK arms sales. (Starmer for leader website)
- Reintroduce freedom of movement for EU nationals. (Starmer for leader website)
- End indefinite detention. (Starmer for leader website)
- Close detention centres such as Yarl’s Wood. (Starmer for leader website)
Trade unions
- Repeal the Trade Union Act 2012. (Starmer for leader website)
- Hold a review into how to encourage party members to become active in their trade unions.(LabourList)
Devolution, electoral and constitutional reform
- Introduce a federal system of government. (LabourList)
- Introduce regional investment banks. (Starmer for leader website)
- Abolish the House of Lords and replace it with an elected chamber of regions and nations. (LabourList)
- Grant full voting rights to EU nationals. (Starmer for leader website)
- Consult Labour Party members on electoral reform. (LabourList)
Local government
- Invite councillors to work with shadow cabinet members on campaigning and policy development. (LabourList)
- Hold a constitutional convention on the settlement between national and local government. (LabourList)
- Lift the ban on local councils to run their own bus services. (We Own It)
- Make it easier for councils to deliver services in-house. (We Own It)
Rebecca Long-Bailey
Internal party reforms
- Resolve future and outstanding antisemitism cases swiftly and under a fixed timetable. (The Jewish Chronicle)
- Create an independent disciplinary process. (The Jewish Chronicle)
- Prevent the readmittance of prominent antisemitism offenders. (The Jewish Chronicle)
- Suspend any who have campaigned for or supported those expelled for antisemitism. (The Jewish Chronicle)
- Adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism without qualification. (The Jewish Chronicle)
- Re-engage the Jewish Labour Movement to lead on anti-racism training. (The Jewish Chronicle)
- Engage with Jewish members through only its “main representative groups”. (The Jewish Chronicle)
- Take personal responsibility for putting an end to antisemitism within Labour. (The Jewish Chronicle)
- Introduce open selections for MPs. (LabourList)
- Hold an impartial review into the failings of the 2019 campaign. (LabourList)
- Establish a dedicated creative digital communications unit within the party. (LabourList)
- Reform the Gender Recognition Act to improve transgender rights. (LabourList)
- Fight against “transphobic organisations such as Woman’s Place UK and LGB Alliance”. (LabourList)
- Introduce all-BAME shortlists. (The Guardian)
Taxation, welfare and the economy
- Introduce public ownership of rail, mail, water and energy. (We Own It)
- End NHS privatisation and reinstate the NHS on the basis of its founding principles. (We Own It)
- Bring prisons and probation services wholly back in-house. (We Own It)
- Maintain 2019 manifesto commitments on tax, including increase for top 5% of earners. (Huffington Post)
- Introduce a legal right to not answer work emails and phone calls outside of working hours. (The Guardian)
- Scrap Universal Credit. (The Mirror)
- End welfare sanctions regime. (The Mirror)
- Roll out full-fibre broadband through a publicly owned infrastructure provider. (We Own It)
Devolution, electoral and constitutional reform
- Replace the House of Lords with an elected senate outside of London. (LabourList)
- Make no further Labour nominations to the House of Lords. (Huffington Post)
- Hold a constitutional convention on proportional representation and devolution. (Rebecca for Leader website)
- Consult party members on introducing proportional representation. (Huffington Post)
- Implement a green industrial revolution. (LabourList)
- Reach net-zero carbon emissions in the UK by 2030. (LabourList)
Local government
- Devolve powers to councils to deliver infrastructure and services. (LabourList)
- Provide resources for council to undertake large-scale council house building. (LabourList)
- Help councils insource services (LabourList)
- Enable councils to support supply chains and work with local organisations to create jobs. (LabourList)
- Expand and integrate local public transport. (LabourList)
- Lift the ban on local councils to run their own bus services. (We Own It)
- End indefinite detention. (The Independent)
- Close detention centres such as Yarl’s Wood and develop a humane alternative. (The Independent)
Trade unions
- Launch a trade union membership drive and create a targeted recruitment plan in Red Wall seats. (LabourList)
- Repeal the Trade Union Act 2012. (LabourList)
- Repeal all anti-trade union legislation going back to Thatcher era. (LabourList)
- Launch a national campaign on education while in opposition. (Tes)
- Push for government to ensure class sizes of less than 30 and provide adequate funding for schools. (Tes)
- Restore pay to teachers and school staff to pre-crisis levels. (Tes)
- Restore the educational maintenance allowance (EMA). (Tes)
- Introduce free school meals for all primary school children. (Tes)
- Remove tax loopholes for private schools. (Tes)
- Prioritise apprenticeships in new green industries. (Tes)
- Introduce free adult education with the National Education Service. (Tes)
- Abolish university tuition fees. (Tes)
- End the academies and free schools project and ensure schools are under local democratic control. (We Own It)
- Suspend UK arms sales. (Huffington Post)
- Build 100,000 council homes for social rent per year. (Twitter)
Lisa Nandy
Internal party reforms
- Resolve future and outstanding antisemitism cases swiftly and under a fixed timetable. (The Jewish Chronicle)
- Create an independent disciplinary process. (The Jewish Chronicle)
- Prevent the readmittance of prominent antisemitism offenders. (The Jewish Chronicle)
- Suspend any who have campaigned for or supported those expelled for antisemitism. (The Jewish Chronicle)
- Adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism without qualification. (The Jewish Chronicle)
- Re-engage the Jewish Labour Movement to lead on anti-racism training. (The Jewish Chronicle)
- Engage with Jewish members through only its “main representative groups”. (The Jewish Chronicle)
- Take personal responsibility for putting an end to antisemitism within Labour. (The Jewish Chronicle)
- Introduce training for members and staff on antisemitism. (The Guardian)
- Implement recommendations of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission on antisemitism. (The Guardian)
- Lower the threshold for suspension where there are allegations of racism. (TheGuardian)
- Reform the Gender Recognition Act to strengthen transgender rights. (LabourList)
- Fight against “transphobic organisations such as Woman’s Place UK and LGB Alliance”. (LabourList)
- Introduce all-BAME shortlists. (The Guardian)
Taxation, welfare and the economy
- Introduce public ownership of rail, mail, water and energy. (We Own It)
- End NHS privatisation and reinstate the NHS on the basis of its founding principles. (We Own It)
- Bring prisons and probation services wholly back in-house. (We Own It)
- Introduce higher taxes for polluters. (LabourList)
- Scrap Universal Credit. (The Independent)
- Increase capital gains and corporation tax to match taxation on earnings. (The Independent)
- Roll out full-fibre broadband through a publicly owned infrastructure provider. (We Own It)
- Introduce a green new deal. (The Mirror)
- Aim for all new buses to be zero emissions by 2025. (The Mirror)
- Refuse to sign a trade deal with any country that has not signed up to the Paris agreement. (The Mirror)
- Abolish university tuition fees. (LabourList)
- Restore the EMA for 16- to 18-year-olds. (LabourList)
- Reintroduce grants for university students. (LabourList)
- End the academies and free schools project and ensure schools are under local democratic control. (We Own It)
Devolution, electoral and constitutional reform
- End the practice of Labour making nominations to the House of Lords. (The Guardian)
- Renew Trident but with a commitment to multilateral disarmament. (LabourList)
Local government
- Scrap Local Enterprise Partnerships and give the money directly to local authorities instead. (LabourList)
- Lift the ban on local councils to run their own bus services. (We Own It)
- Invite council leaders into the shadow cabinet. (The Guardian)
- Let councillors nominate candidates in future Labour leadership contests. (The Independent)
- Make it easier for councils to deliver services in-house. (We Own It)
- Build 100,000 council homes for social rent per year. (Twitter)
- Maintain the BBC license fee. (LabourList)
- Explore mutualisation of parts of the BBC. (LabourList)
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