Last chance to get your Change We Choose t-shirts!

By Alex Smith / @alexsmith1982

With the election now (presumably) just 60 days away, campaigning on the doorsteps is ramping up – thousands of Labour activists are out this weekend speaking to people about their local and national concerns.

As you’re on the doorstep over the next few weeks, why not wear your colours with pride with one of LabourList’s Change We Choose t-shirts drawing on the PM’s speech from Labour conference in October?

We’ve got hold of a second batch of high-quality, Fair Trade Epona-made t-shirts, though some have already sold out:


Change We Choose Tshirts

8: Sold Out

10: 7 remaining

12: 12 remaining

14: 6 remaining

16: Sold Out


S: Sold Out

M: Sold Out

L: Sold Out

XL: Sold Out


Change We Choose Tshirts

8: Sold Out

10: 3 remaining

12: 6 remaining

14: 2 remaining

16: 1 remaining


S: Sold Out

M: Sold Out

L: Sold Out

XL: Sold Out

Some of our readers and supporters have already been wearing our T-shirts proudly:


Amanjit Jhund, Labour PPC for Windsor

Jason Spriggs

Jason Spriggs (@SpriggsJT)

Jess Asato Tshirt

Jessica Asato, Acting Director of Progress and Council Candidate in Islington


Ellie Gellard (@BevaniteEllie) with Alex Smith

Julian Ware Lane

Julian Ware-Lane, PPC for Castle Point

Nicolas Redfern

Nicolas Redfern (@NickRed)

Alastair Campbell T

Alastair Campbell

Anna Turley

Alex Smith and Anna Turley (@AnnaTurley)

And some other spots, from Twitter:

@MarkFergusonUK — I saw someone wearing a @labourlist t-shirt on the bus the other day.

@ConorPope — Wish I had enough money to spend on a @Labourlist tshirt. Maybe I could get one for my birthday in March and then do every vlog wearing one.

@Rustmonster: @labourlist Saw someone walking down Oxford St yesterday wearing a LL t-shirt! Very nice.

Please order your LabourList Tshirt by leaving a £14 donation to LabourList here (inc. postage and packaging) along with your preferred size and colour from the above list, and your address.

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