Comment By-elections, Northern Ireland and taking tough action on anti-Semitism – Alice Perry’s latest NEC report Report from Labour’s NEC sub-committees. This report includes updates from the March national executive committee (NEC) equalities, disputes… Alice Perry 8 years ago
News Corbyn names Lisa Nandy as Manchester by-election campaign chief Jeremy Corbyn has handed the job of defending Labour’s seat in the Manchester by-election to former shadow cabinet minister… Peter Edwards 8 years ago
Comment Chuka’s vision of a “Labour alternative” shows how we can take the fight to the Tories and win from the centre ground Chuka Umunna’s essay The Labour Alternative is the most comprehensive account of Labour’s purpose since Jon Cruddas’ 2013… Adrian Pabst 8 years ago
News McDonnell distances himself from claim of “soft coup” against Corbyn John McDonnell has expressed regret for his claim that centre-left Labour MPs were carrying out a “soft coup”… Peter Edwards 8 years ago
Comment LabourFirst: How far will Corbyn go to give McDonnell a run at the leadership? Today, Labour is 18 points behind in the polls. Let’s take a moment to think about that. Labour… Matt Pound 8 years ago
News Keir Starmer: Labour has “no prospect” of winning in 2020 if we don’t improve Losing the Copeland seat was “really serious” and if things don’t change Labour has “no prospect” of winning… Emma Bean 8 years ago
News Weekly survey: By-elections, Scottish independence and Sadiq’s comments With Labour holding on to the Stoke Central seat, we ask has the victory in the by-election over… Emma Bean 8 years ago
News Corbyn, Chakrabarti and Abbott miss first PLP meeting after by-elections Several key Labour leadership figures missed the first PLP meeting after last week’s disastrous by-election results. Shami Chakrabarti, the… Emma Bean 8 years ago
Comment Luke Akehurst: Momentum clutch at straws for an explanation of Copeland – when the fault lies with them It was fascinating to read the litany of excuses for the Copeland by-election defeat put forward by Momentum’s… Luke Akehurst 8 years ago
News Corbyn asks for more time to develop policy as Watson-McCluskey feud continues Jeremy Corbyn has appealed for more time to deliver election-winning policies following a weekend of intense debate at… Peter Edwards 8 years ago