Comment IWD: ‘Politics isn’t focused on women’s needs or voices. We can fix it with more women councillors, MPs and mayors’ I’ve been in a reflective mood as we’ve approached this International Women’s Day. 263 women now serve in… Alice Macdonald 7th March, 2025, 2:00 pm
News ‘Labour’s local council and election shakeup raises five big questions’ As six areas are fast-tracked to establish new Strategic Authorities this is a good week to reflect on… John Denham 6th February, 2025, 9:54 am
Comment ‘Labour’s devolution White Paper will make councils fit for the 21st century’ Like other council leaders across the country, I welcome the White Paper on devolution with real enthusiasm –… John Kent 10th January, 2025, 12:42 pm
Comment ‘The English devolution white paper is welcome, but mayors need tax powers too’ Billed by the deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner as kickstarting a ‘devolution revolution’, the government’s new English Devolution… Ryan Swift 16th December, 2024, 6:21 pm
Comment ‘The English devolution white paper must be step one in reversing centralisation’ Today’s White Paper is a big step towards the Take Back Control Bill (now next year’s English Devolution… John Denham 16th December, 2024, 4:11 pm
Columnist ‘Today’s Council of Nations and Regions summit sends an important message – but does it risk pleasing no-one?’ Today Keir Starmer will chair the first meeting of the Council of Nations and Regions (CNR). It’s an… John Denham 11th October, 2024, 8:52 am
Comment ‘What’s on the table at the council of nations and regions?’ With Keir Starmer due to host his first “council of the nations and regions” later today, and with… Julian Boys & Helen Power 11th October, 2024, 8:00 am
News West of England mayor election 2025: Selection race begins after Dan Norris forced out by party rule changes Labour’s selection process to find a new candidate to fight the West of England mayoral election has got… Daniel Green 4th October, 2024, 10:54 am
News ‘Starmer’s mayor summit is no stunt. Why Labour means it on devolution’ The new Prime Minister met with England’s mayors today, within days of taking office. As a statement of… Luke Raikes 9th July, 2024, 7:00 am
Analysis ‘Starmer’s reset with devolved leaders is welcome – but may prove the easy part’ Keir Starmer is meeting with the First Ministers of Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales today and tomorrow, and… Dan Hardie 7th July, 2024, 8:50 pm