Comment Why Corbyn aide Andrew Fisher was right – and wrong – to say steel crisis was “good for Labour” “Show, don’t tell” was a lesson aspiring novelists were once told, in a nod to the style of Ernest Hemingway.… Peter Edwards 22nd April, 2016, 4:25 pm
News Sleeping ministers finally offer to buy stake in the steel industry – but deny it is nationalisation Ministers have finally said they could be willing to take a stake of up to 25 per cent… Peter Edwards 22nd April, 2016, 9:31 am
Comment “The Tories are just as vicious as they have always been” – John McDonnell speech in Preston This is the speech given today by John McDonnell, shadow Chancellor, at the TAS Partnership in Preston, an employee… John McDonnell 20th April, 2016, 4:04 pm