Richard Robinson‘s Speech Bubble
Dear David, Eds (Balls & Miliband), John, Andy & Diane,
Following on from my first letter to you on May 26th, I’d like to change tack as the first Labour Leadership debates begin this week.
Below are a just a few of the many questions and debates I would ask if I could be with you this week:
1 – Trade Unions
How would you reinvigorate the Party’s relationship with the Trade Unions? Len McCluskey of Unite said yesterday we have forgotten, as a party, our roots. How would you ensure that we get reconnected?
2 – Sunday trading
I believe that the impact of Sunday trading with the vast majority of shops opening on the seventh day has had a massive detrimental affect throughout the country. We all need a day to rest. Often the roads are as clogged up on a Sunday as they are the rest of the week.
3 – Achieving a better work life/balance
Would you support a 35 hour working week for example?
3 – Should we tax junk food heavily?
Obesity is rife throughout the country. We do need to take strong and urgent action to protect and ensure the NHS is spending our taxes and its vital resources effectively. Far too much money is spent reactively on treatment. We need a proactive programme encouraging and stimulating preventative health. What are your thoughts on how we can actually achieve this?
5 – Would you support a) a national maximum wage and b) a living wage?
If we want a future fair for all, we surely cannot continue to allow the obscene amounts spent on bonuses and bloated salaries paid to elites in this country. Do you agree that greater equality and social cohesion would be achieved through having a maximum wage? Incidentally, even Boris Johnson supports a living wage.
6 – Persistent Young Offenders
Would you support a form of boot camp regime for those youngsters who continue to defy authority and terrorise local neighbourhoods?
And finally would you agree with Alex Ferguson that the three most important qualities for leadership are control, managing change and observation?
I really do hope that over the next 48 hours all 6 of you get the nominations you need to be on the ballot. This will serve to prove to the wider public just how healthy our party is and how vibrant debate can help re-energise ideas and a programme for the next Labour government.
Best regards
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