This one passed us by late last year, but especially as Cambridge is one of Labour’s 106 battleground seats we thought it was worth flagging up. Cambridge’s Lib Dem MP Julian Huppert has a new job lined up – which starts in 2015. How very convenient…
The Cambridge News reports a spokesperson from the University of Cambridge saying:
“In 2007, Julian Huppert was appointed to a Research Council’s UK Academic Fellowship at the university’s department of physics, a prestigious award won in open competition. A stipulation of this appointment was that it convert to a lectureship in five years. Julian has been on unpaid leave of absence from the department since being elected MP, an agreement currently in place until May 31, 2015.”
If Labour’s PPC Daniel Zeichner overhauls Huppert and the Tories to win the seat for Labour in 2015 (which is certainly possible – it was Labour held until 2005) then at least there’s one Lib Dem MP who will have a new job to go to in 2015…
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