With escalating tensions between Russia and the Ukraine, in particular following the shooting down of flight MH17, shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander has called for an EU Council meeting so that European leaders can discuss tougher sanctions against Russia. He said that this should include a review over whether Fifa should still hold the 2018 World Cup in Russia.
He has said:
“President Putin’s continued aggression towards Ukraine now requires a stronger and swifter European response. EU leaders know that tougher sanctions will likely involve costs for segments of some EU economies, but inaction will also have costs in the long term.That is why Labour has called for further economic and diplomatic measures to ensure that Russia feels both the costs and consequences of its continued aggression towards Ukraine.
“First, European leaders should convene an emergency meeting of the EU Council, where together as Heads of European governments, they can demonstrate their willingness to act against particular Russian industries and economic sectors by implementing specific so-called Tier Three sanctions.Second, as part of those sanctions, they must impose a full EU-wide arms embargo against Russia to send a clear message that they will not accept business as usual while weapons continue to flow from Russia to Ukraine.
Third, if it is confirmed that Russia carries direct responsibly for downing flight MH17, and the Kremlin nonetheless continues to sponsor and fuel the conflict in Ukraine, then Fifa will surely face calls to reconsider if Russia should host the competition in 2018. Fifa should therefore be undertaking contingency planning now so that, if required, alternative plans are in place in plenty of time for teams and fans from around the world.
The Ukraine crisis represents not just a threat to European security, but a significant geopolitical moment, and together, Europe must work harder to better influence critical calculations now being made in the Kremlin.”
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