Nominations closed yesterday in the race for both Scottish Labour Leader and Deputy Leader. Jim Murphy and Kezia Dugdale have received the most supporting nominations from CLPs and Councillors (as they did with parliamentarians) but Neil Findlay and Katy Clark have performed far better amongst the unions (where most of the votes line in the affiliates section). You can see the names and number of councillor and CLP nominations for each candidate below.
So now the nominations are out of the way, the hustings will begin. Today all of the candidates will be speaking at Scottish Labours annual Women’s Conference at the Scottish TUC. Both Neil Findlay and Katy Clark will be focussing on calls for a Living Wage in Scotland – and taking the power to set the minimum wage froMW Westminster to Holyrood. Clark is also expected to say that the current Scottish Labour elections “offer us the opportunity to take our party back, to bring it home, to return it to its values of social justice and equality”. Indeed many of the arguments being made my Clark today are also being made by Findlay, in what looks like an increasing co-ordination between their two campaigns.
Meanwhile Jim Murphy has written a blog for his campaign website ahead of the first hustings, announcing that if he becomes First Minister at least 50% of the Labour Scottish Government Cabinet will be women – and he’ll appoint a Cabinet Minister for Women, with specific responsibility for championing the rights of women within the Scottish Government.
The hustings will run through from today until early December – and LabourList will be covering some of the bigger events in the coming weeks.
Scottish Leader candidates
Sarah Boyack
Councillors (13):
Ralph Barker, South Lanarkshire Council
Andrew Burns, Edinburgh City Council
Maureen Child Edinburgh City Council
Cammy Day, Edinburgh City Council
Rhondda Geekie East Dunbartonshire Council
Linda Gow, Falkirk Council
Ricky Henderson, Edinburgh City Council
Lillian Jones, East Ayrshire Council
Charles Macdonald, Falkirk Council
Rita Miller, South Ayrshire Council
David Ross, Fife Council
Roger Saxon, Highland Council
Donald Wilson, Edinburgh City Council
CLPs (1):
Edinburgh Central
Neil Findlay
Councillors (79):
Tom Adams, Fife Council
Alex Bennett, Midlothian Council
Jim Blackwood, Falkirk Council
Tony Boyle, West Lothian Council
Margaret Brisley, Stirling Council
Jackie Burns, South Lanarkshire Council
John Caldwell, Renfrewshire Council
Alex Campbell, Fife Council
Harry Cartmill, West Lothian Council
Russell Clearie, South Lanarkshire Council
Pamela Clearie, South Lanarkshire Council
Bobby Clelland, Fife Council
Jim Clocherty, Inverclyde CLP
Aileen Colleran, Glasgow City Council
Gerry Convery, South Lanarkshire Council
Ian Crichton, Fife Council
Neil Crooks Fife Council
Joseph Cullinane, North Ayrshire Council
Alex Davidson, West Lothian Council
Margaret Devine, Renfrewshire Council
Eddie Devine, Renfrewshire Council
Kevin Docherty, North Lanarkshire Council
David Dodds, West Lothian Council
John Easdale, North Ayrshire Council
David Fagan, North Lanarkshire Council
Tom Ferguson, Dundee City Council
Jonathan Findlay, Glasgow City Council
Judith Fisher, Glasgow City Council
Nick Gardner, Edinburgh City Council
Peter George, Fife Council
Danny Gibson, Stirling Council
Emma Gillan, Glasgow City Council
Roy Glen, Renfrewshire Council
Brian Gordon, Dundee City Council
David Graham, Fife Council
Gary Guichan, Fife Council
Charles Haffey Fife Council
Judy Hamilton, Fife Council
James Harte, Renfrewshire Council
John Hendry, Stirling Council
Cara Hilton, Fife Council
William Hogg, North Lanarkshire Council
Terry Kelly, Renfrewshire Council
John Kelly, Glasgow City Council
Matt Kerr, Glasgow City Council
Dave King, West Lothian Council
Helen Law, Fife Council
Jeffrey Leaver, Dumfries & Galloway Council
Peter Lockhart, Fife Council
Jim Logue, North Lanarkshire Council
Tom McAughtrie, Dumfries & Galloway Council
Corrie McChord, Stirling Council
Joe McIlwee, Inverclyde Council
Alex McInnes, South Lanarkshire Council
Frank McKay, North Lanarkshire Council
Peter McNamara, North Ayrshire Council
Alan Moir, East Dunbartonshire Council
Adam Montgomery , Midlothian Council
Jim Montgomery , North Ayrshire Council
Angela Moohan, West Lothian Council
John Mooney, West Dumbartonshire Council
Tommy Morgan, North Lanarkshire Council
Sam Mullin, Renfrewshire Council
Gordon Munro, City of Edinburgh Council
Rosie Murray, Falkirk Council
Alexander Murrin Renfrewshire Council
George Paul, West Lothian Council
Bryan Pottinger, Midlothian Council
Russell Robertson, Glasgow City Council
Kenny Selbie, Fife Council
Bill Shields, North Lanarkshire Council
Andrew Spowart, North Lanarkshire Council
David Stitt, Dumfries & Galloway Council
Frank Toner, West Lothian Council
Tom Williams, Renfrewshire Council
CLPs (18):
Almond Valley CLP
Carrick, Cumnock & Doon Valley CLP
Clydebank & Milngavie CLP
Coatbridge & Chryston CLP
Cunningham North CLP
Cunningham South CLP
Dundee City CLP
Dunfermline CLP
Edinburgh Northern & Leith CLP
Edinburgh Western CLP
Glasgow Anniesland CLP
Glasgow Kelvin CLP
Glasgow Maryhill & Springburn CLP
Glasgow Pollok CLP
Kilmarnock & Irvine Valley CLP
Kirkcaldy CLP
Midlothian North & Musselburgh CLP
Renfrewshire North & West CLP
Jim Murphy
Councillors (100):
George Adam, Aberdeen City Council
James Adams, Glasgow City Council
Shamin Akhtar, East Lothian Council
Norma Austin Hart, Edinburgh City Council
Laurie Bidwell Dundee City Council
Martin Brennan, Inverclyde Council
Walter Brogan, South Lanarkshire Council
John Cairney South Lanarkshire Council
Archie Campbell, Na h-Eileanan an Iar Council
Paul Carey, Glasgow City Council
Scott Carle, Aberdeen City Council
Andy Carmichael, South Lanarkshire Council
Bob Chadha, North Lanarkshire Council
Raymond Christie, Aberdeenshire Council
Stuart Clark, Renfrewshire Council
Alan Clinch, North Lanarkshire Council
James Coleman, Glasgow City Council
Neil Cooney, Aberdeen City Council
Margaret Cooper, South Lanarkshire Council
James Coyle, North Lanarkshire Council
Gordon Cree, East Ayrshire Council
Harry Curran, North Lanarkshire Council
Maureen Devlin, South Lanarkshire Council
James Dixon, West Lothian Council
Jim Docherty, South Lanarkshire Council
Frank Docherty, Glasgow City Council
Alison Evison, Aberdeenshire Council
James Fletcher, East Renfrewshire Council
Stuart Gallacher, South Lanarkshire Council
Marie Garrity, Glasgow City Council
Gerald Goldie, Falkirk Council
Dennis Goldie, Falkirk Council
Gordon Graham, Aberdeen City Council
Stephen Grant, North Lanarkshire Council
Ross Grant, Aberdeen City Council
Elaine Green, East Renfrewshire Council
Stephanie Griffin, North Lanarkshire Council
James Handibode, South Lanarkshire Council
Kenny Hay, East Renfrewshire Council
Maureen Henry, East Dunbartonshire Council
Rashid Hussain, Glasgow City Council
Len Ironside, Aberdeen City Council
Paul Kelly, North Lanarkshire Council
Gerard Killen, South Lanarkshire Council
Alan Lafferty, East Renfrewshire Council
Jenny Laing, Aberdeen City Council
Graeme Lawrence, Aberdeen City Council
Monica Lennon, South Lanarkshire Council
Margaret Libberton, East Lothian Council
Terry Loughran, Inverclyde Council
Joe Lowe, South Lanarkshire Council
Deirdre Mackay, Highland Council
Kathleen Martin, Clackmannanshire
Gordon Matheson, Glasgow City Council
Douglas McAllister, West Dunbartonshire Council
Elizabeth McAllister, Highland Council
Ian McAlpine, East Renfrewshire Council
Eddie McAvoy, South Lanarkshire Council
Stephen McCabe, Inverclyde Council
Brian McCaig, South Lanarkshire Council
Catherine McClymont, South Lanarkshire Council
James McColgan, Inverclyde Council
Lesley McDonald, South Lanarkshire Council
Brian McGinley South Ayrshire Council
Janice McGinley, South Lanarkshire Council
Michelle McGinty West Dunbartonshire Council
Patrick McGlinchey, West Dunbartonshire Council
Harry McGuigan North Lanarkshire Council
Denis McKenna, South Lanarkshire Council
Brian McKenna, South Lanarkshire Council
Helen McKenna, North Lanarkshire Council
John McNamee, South Lanarkshire Council
Heather McVey, North Lanarkshire Council
Eric Milligan, Edinburgh City Council
Ramsay Milne, Aberdeen City Council
Mary Montague, East Renfrewshire Council
Jean Morrison, Aberdeen City Council
Sean Morton, Moray Council
Gordon Muir, South Lanarkshire Council
Jim Muirhead, Midlothian Council
Martin Neill, Glasgow City Council
Ronnie Nicholson, Dumfries & Galloway Council
Peter Nolan, North Lanarkshire Council
Paul O’Kane, East Renfrewshire Council
Gary O’Rorke North Lanarkshire Council
Moira Pirie, East Ayrshire Council
Keith Robson, Edinburgh City Council
Martin Rooney, West Dunbartonshire Council
Philip Saxton, South Ayrshire Council
Christine Simpson, Stirling Council
Anne Simpson, Glasgow City Council
Ian Sloan Fife Council
Colin Smyth, Dumfries & Galloway Council
Graeme Tait, Dumfries & Galloway Council
Angela Taylor, Aberdeen City Council
Christopher Thompson, South Lanarkshire Council
Bert Thomson, South Lanarkshire Council
Richard Tullett, South Lanarkshire Council
Una Walker, East Dunbartonshire Council
Jim Young, Fife Council
CLPs (34):
Aberdeen Central CLP
Aberdeen Donside CLP
Aberdeenshire West CLP
Angus North & Mearns CLP
Argyll & Bute CLP
Caithness, Sutherland & Ross CLP
Clackmannanshire & Dunblane CLP
Clydesdale CLP
Cumbernauld & Kilsyth CLP
Dumbarton CLP
Dumfries & Galloway CLP
East Kilbride CLP
East Lothian CLP
Eastwood CLP
Edinburgh Eastern CLP
Edinburgh Pentlands CLP
Glasgow Cathcart CLP
Glasgow Provan CLP
Glasgow Shettleston
Glasgow Southside
Greenock & Inverclyde CLP
Hamilton, Larkhall & Stonehouse CLP
Inverness & Nairn CLP
Moray CLP
Motherwell & Wishaw CLP
Paisley CLP
Perthshire Labour Party
Renfrewshire South CLP
Rutherglen CLP
Shetland CLP
Skye, Badenoch & Lochaber CLP
Stirling CLP
Strathkelvin & Bearsden CLP
Scottish Deputy Leader candidates
Katy Clark
Councillors (42):
Alex Bennett, Midlothian Council
Jim Blackwood, Falkirk Council
Tony Boyle, West Lothian Council
Margaret Brisley, Stirling Council
Bill Butler, Glasgow City Council
John Caldwell, Renfrewshire Council
Harry Cartmill, West Lothian Council
Aileen Colleran, Glasgow City Council
Gerry Convery, South Lanarkshire Council
Ian Crichton, Fife Council
Georgia Cruickshank, Dundee City Council
Joe Cullinane, North Ayrshire Council
Kevin Docherty, North Lanarkshire Council
David Dodds, West Lothian Council
John Easdale, North Ayrshire Council
Alex Gallagher, North Ayrshire Council
Danny Gibson, Stirling Council
Roy Glen, Renfrewshire Council
Brian Gordon, Dundee City Council
James Harte, Renfrewshire Council
Lillian Jones, East Ayrshire Council
John Kelly, Glasgow City Council
Terry Kelly, Renfrewshire Council
Matt Kerr, Glasgow City Council
Jim Logue, North Lanarkshire Council
Corrie McChord Stirling Council
Joe McIlwee, Inverclyde Council
Peter McNamara, North Ayrshire Council
Jim Montgomerie, North Ayrshire Council
Angela Moohan, West Lothian Council
Tommy Morgan, North Lanarkshire Council
Nathan Morrison, Aberdeen City Council
Gordon Munro, Edinburgh City Council
Rosie Murray, Falkirk Council
Alexander Murrin, Renfrewshire Council
Bryan Pottinger, Midlothian Council
Philip Saxon, South Ayrshire Council
Kenny Selbie, Fife Council
Bill Shields, North Lanarkshire Council
Andrew Spowart, North Lanarkshire Council
Frank Toner, West Lothian Council
Tom Williams, Renfrewshire Council
CLPs (7):
Coatbridge & Chryston CLP
Cunningham North CLP
Cunningham South CLP
Dundee City CLP
Edinburgh Western CLP
Glasgow Kelvin CLP
Glasgow Pollok CLP
Kezia Dugdale
Councillors (149):
James Adams, Glasgow City Council
Shamin Akhtar, East Lothian Council
Yvonne Allan, Aberdeen City Council
Norma Austin Hart, Edinburgh City Council
Ralph Barker, South Lanarkshire Council
Derek Bibby, Renfrewshire Council
Laurie Bidwell, Dundee City Council
Johanna Boyd Stirling Council
Walter Brogan, South Lanarkshire Council
Jackie Burns, South Lanarkshire Council
John Cairney, South Lanarkshire Council
Archie Campbell, Na h-Eileanan an Iar Council
William Campbell, Fife Council
Andrew Campbell, South Ayrshire Council
Scott Carle, Aberdeen City Council
Andy Carmichael, South Lanarkshire Council
Bob Chadha, North Lanarkshire Council
Maureen Child, Edinburgh City Council
Raymond Christie, Aberdeenshire Council
Stuart Clark, Renfrewshire Council
Russell Clearie, South Lanarkshire Council
Pamela Clearie, South Lanarkshire Council
Alan Clinch, North Lanarkshire Council
James Coleman, Glasgow City Council
Neil Cooney, Aberdeen City Council
Margaret Cooper, South Lanarkshire Council
James Coyle, North Lanarkshire Council
Altany Craik, Fife Council
Gordon Cree, East Ayrshire Council
Tom Curley, North Lanarkshire Council
Harry Curran, North Lanarkshire Council
Stephen Curran, Glasgow City Council
Kirsty Darwent, South Ayrshire Council
Alex Davidson, West Lothian Council
Cammy Day, Edinburgh City Council
Margaret Devine, Renfrewshire Council
Eddie Devine, Renfrewshire Council
Maureen Devlin South Lanarkshire Council
James Dixon, West Lothian Council
Sadie Docherty, Glasgow City Council
Jim Docherty, South Lanarkshire Council
Karen Doran, Edinburgh City Council
Alison Evison, Aberdeenshire Council
Allan Falconer South Lanarkshire Council
Tom Ferguson, Dundee City Council
Jonathan Findlay, Glasgow City Council
Judith Fisher, Glasgow City Council
James Fletcher, East Renfrewshire Council
Stuart Gallacher, South Lanarkshire Council
Marie Garrity, Glasgow City Council
Rhondda Geekie, East Dunbartonshire Council
Christopher Gilmour, Renfrewshire Council
Linda Gow, Falkirk Council
David Graham, Fife Council
Ross Grant, Aberdeen City Council
Elaine Green, East Renfreshire Council
Stephanie Griffin, North Lanarkshire Council
Joan Griffiths, City of Edinburgh Council
Lynsey Hamilton, South Lanarkshire Council
James Handibode, South Lanarkshire Council
Kenny Hay, East Renfrewshire Council
Ricky Henderson, Edinburgh City Council
John Hendry, Stirling Council
Maureen Henry, East Dunbartonshire Council
William Hogg, North Lanarkshire Council
Len Ironside, Aberdeen City Council
Paul Kelly, North Lanarkshire Council
Gerard Killen, South Lanarkshire Council
Alan Lafferty, East Renfrewshire Council
Jenny Laing, Aberdeen City Council
Graeme Lawrence, Aberdeen City Council
Jeffrey Leaver, Dumfries & Galloway Council
Monica Lennon, South Lanarkshire Council
Margaret Libberton, East Lothian Council
Terry Loughran, Inverclyde Council
Joe Lowe, South Lanarkshire Council
Lesley MacDonald, South Lanarkshire Council
Charles MacDonald, Falkirk Council
Deirdre Mackay, Highland Council
Mark MacMillan, Renfrewshire Council
Kathleen Martin, Clackmannanshire Council
Gordon Matheson, Glasgow City Council
Douglas McAllister, West Dunbartonshire Council
Ian McAlpine, East Renfrewshire Council
Tom McAughtrie, Dumfries & Galloway Council
Eddie McAvoy, South Lanarkshire Council
Stephen McCabe, Inverclyde Council
Brian McCaig, South Lanarkshire Council
Catherine McClymont, South Lanarkshire Council
James McColgan Inverclyde Council
Lesley McDonald, South Lanarkshire Council
John McDowall, Stirling Council
Marrin McElroy, Glasgow City Council
Janice McGinlay, South Lanarkshire Council
Brian McGinley South Ayrshire Council
Michelle McGinty, West Dunbartonshire Council
Norma McGovern, Dundee City Council
Harry McGuigan North Lanarkshire Council
Alex McInnes, South Lanarkshire Council
Frank McKay, North Lanarkshire Council
Denis McKenna, South Lanarkshire Council
Brian McKenna, South Lanarkshire Council
Helen McKenna, North Lanarkshire Council
Davie McLachlan, South Lanarkshire Council
John McLuckie, Falkirk Council
Iain McMillan, Renfrewshire Council
John McNamee, South Lanarkshire Council
Rita Miller, South Ayrshire Council
Eric Milligan, Edinburgh City Council
Ramsay Milne, Aberdeen City Council
Alan Moir, East Dunbartonshire Council
John Mooney, West Dunbartonshire Council
Jean Morrison, Aberdeen City Council
Sean Morton, Moray Council
Gordon Muir, South Lanarkshire Council
Jim Muirhead, Midlothian Council
Sam Mullin, Renfrewshire Council
Martin Neill, Glasgow City Council
Ronnie Nicoholson, Dumfries & Galloway Council
Peter Nolan, North Lanarkshire Council
Paul O’Kane, East Renfrewshire Council
Lawrence O’Neill West Dunbartonshire Council
Gary O’Rorke North Lanarkshire Council
George Paul West Lothian Council
Ian Perry, City of Edinburgh Council
Moira Pirie, East Ayrshire Council
Billy Pollock, Fife Council
Mike Robbins, Stirling Council
Russell Robertson, Glasgow City Council
Keith Robson, Edinburgh City Council
Martin Rooney, West Dunbartonshire Council
Paul Rooney, Glasgow City Council
Michael Ross, North Lanarkshire Council
Roger Saxon, Highlands Council
Christine Simpson, Stirling Council
Ian Sloan, Fife Council
Colin Smyth, Dumfries & Galloway Council
David Stitt, Dumfries & Galloway Council
Graeme Tait, Dumfries & Galloway Council
Angela Taylor, Aberdeen City Council
Christopher Thompson, South Lanarkshire Council
Brian Thomson Fife Council
Bert Thomson, South Lanarkshire Council
Richard Tullett, South Lanarkshire Council
Una Walker, East Dunbartonshire Council
Brian Wallace North Lanarkshire Council
Violet Weir, Stirling Council
Donald Wilson, City of Edinburgh Council
Jim Young, Fife Council
CLPs (48):
Aberdeen Central CLP
Aberdeen Donside CLP
Aberdeenshire South & North Kincardine CLP
Aberdeenshire West CLP
Almond Valley CLP
Angus North & Mearns CLP
Argyll & Bute CLP
Caithness, Sutherland & Ross CLP
Carrick, Cumnock & Doon Valley CLP
Clackmannanshire & Dunblane CLP
Clydebank & Milngavie CLP
Clydesdale CLP
Cumbernauld & Kilsyth CLP
Dumfries & Galloway CLP
Dunbarton CLP
Dunfermline CLP
East Kilbride CLP
East Lothian CLP
Eastwood CLP
Edinburgh Central CLP
Edinburgh Eastern CLP
Edinburgh Eastern CLP
Edinburgh Northern & Leith CLP
Edinburgh Pentlands CLP
Glasgow Anniesland CLP
Glasgow Cathcart CLP
Glasgow Maryhill & Springburn CLP
Glasgow Provan CLP
Glasgow Shettleston CLP
Glasgow Southside CLP
Greenock & Inverclyde CLP
Hamilton, Larkhall & Stonehouse CLP
Inverness & Nairn CLP
Kilmarnock & Irvine Valley CLP
Kirkcaldy CLP
Midlothian North & Musselburgh CLP
Moray CLP
Motherwell & Wishaw CLP
Paisley CLP
Perthshire Labour Party
Renfrewshire North & West CLP
Renfrewshire South CLP
Rutherglen CLP
Shetland CLP
Skye, Badenoch & Lochaber CLP
Stirling CLP
Strathkelvin & Bearsden CLP
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