Jeremy Corbyn has vowed to renationalise the railways, energy market and Royal Mail if he is elected prime minister.
Labour will pledge billions of pounds in vestment in the NHS, schools and police as well as planning to take back into state control key parts of the national infrastructure.
The measures, which add up to a radical plan to reshape Britain’s economy and public services, were set out in a leaked draft of the election manifesto obtained by the Daily Mirror.
In a surprising move the document also sets out plans to renew Trident – in line with existing party policy – but with a new caveat that any prime minister must be cautious about the use of a weapon would lead to the “indiscriminate killing of millions of innocent civilians”.
The proposals, which are due to be approved at a special Clause V meeting of key Labour MPs and officials today, are the most detailed vision of Corbyn’s Britain since he first ran for party leader in summer 2015.
In particular the document sets out plans for:
- a national education service, as Corbyn and Angela Rayner explained yesterday.
- an extra £6bn for the NHS, funded by new taxes on the top earners.
- renationalisation of the railways as franchises come up for renewal.
- the return of the Royal Mail to public ownership following the coalition’s “historic mistake” to sell of the Queen’s head at a bargain basement price.
- the renewal of the Trident nuclear deterrent but with the caveat that, as prime minister, Corbyn would be “cautious about ordering the use of weapons of mass destruction”
- a new Ministry of Labour, to support workers and clamp down on exploitation.
- the abolition of the Tories trade union act.
- building 100,000 council and housing association homes a year.
- protecting the “triple lock” guarantee on annual rises in pensioner incomes, as well as free bus passes and the winter fuel allowance.
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