As Labour’s only affiliate dedicated to Britains place with Europe, the Labour Movement for Europe is unafraid and unapologetic in seeking strong and close working relationships with our European neighbours post Brexit. That’s why, as Labour begins selecting candidates for the next election, we are putting out an open call for all those who share our values and our vision to come forward and seek our endorsement to stand – or be part of choosing who does. We want plans for our future with Europe to be a key priority for all for the ballot box and the manifesto.
The Brexit referendum and subsequent campaign for a ‘people’s vote’ understandably drained the appetite of many to talk about Europe. The pandemic may have created a merciful pause in such hostilities- but the shock of leaving the EU on our economy, our society and our communities grows plainer every day. Whether it is small businesses now struggling with new forms and disrupted supply chains, European nationals finding themselves having to prove their status or UK nationals being fined for overstaying EU visas, students who can no longer benefit from Erasmus, instability in Northern Ireland or consumers seeing empty shelves and rising prices, the impact of Brexit is there for all to see.
Yet none of these outcomes were inevitable itself as a direct consequence of leaving the EU – each is the result of deliberate choices made by this Conservative administration. As part of securing a better, more socially just and prosperous future for the UK the conflict and calamity with our neighbours, which Boris Johnson enjoys stoking, must be replaced with an approach rooted in cooperation and closeness. Whatever side of the debate you were on, Leave or Remain, second referendum or customs union deal is irrelevant to what comes next. As Ukraine demands to join the EU because of the protection such solidarity offers to a wide range of threats, and Johnson claims leaving allows him to deport refugees to Rwanda, so those competing visions matter even more.
Across the country and in every community, Labour need voices helping not just to counter the misinformation the Prime Minister and his allies distribute, but also campaigning for us to connect and collaborate with our European neighbours. This is not about repeating the debates or votes of the past – including those on being in or out of the EU itself. With our reputation in Europe in tatters thanks to Johnson’s antics, until we show we are a serious and committed partner, there is little chance of them wanting to work with us formally as part of a union ever again.
But this does not mean that Labour has nothing to offer. As the LME we want to develop the debate, discussion and detail necessary as Brexit unfolds to help ensure Labour’s response speaks to the best of our values. A movement with MPs and candidates able to challenge not just the reticence about talking about Europe but also define how we can work together because it is integral to our ambitions: not only to protect our trade with our neighbours but also to fight climate change, defend our security and advance our employment rights.
As the selections process begins, we will be seeking to endorse and campaign for those candidates who recognise that there can be no solution to the cost-of-living crisis without a close relationship with Europe. That our ability to protect the environment is interlinked with our ability to be in the room as our neighbours plan how to reduce their carbon consumption. That workers rights cannot stop at our borders if they are to work within our borders. Whether you are considering standing in the coming weeks or in seats being selected later in the year, if this is you then now is the time to step forward and be counted as a candidate ready to help rebuild Britain’s reputation in Europe.
So too, for those who wish to have a say about the person who we ask to take forward this fight in their constituency there is the opportunity to participate in this process. You can find the full details here of how our members in each Constituency Labour Party will be an integral part of deciding who secures our support, helping grow the LME’s impact in parliament and beyond.
With new challenges, new opportunities and new threats that compel countries to cooperate arising on a daily basis, there has never been a more important time for socialists to stand for solidarity between nations as well as each other. If putting our future relationship with Europe at the heart of labours offer at the next election sounds of interest to you join the Labour Movement for Europe now here.
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