1) Which of these are proscribed organisations?
Answer: 2 and 3: Socialist Organiser and Socialist Appeal.
2) What Halloween themed gaffe did Labour PPC Darren Rodwell commit this year?
Answer: 3. Damaging graves
3) What did the protester who threw glitter on Keir Starmer want?
Answer: 1. A citizens assembly
4) Which of these unions are affiliated to the party
Answer: 1, 3, and 4.
5)Who is the NEC chair?
Answer: James Asser.
Round 2: Johns, Jons, Jonathans, Johnnys
1)Which John is a founder of Momentum?
Answer: 2. Jon Lansman.
2) When did John Smith die (½ point for the year, ½ for the year and the month).
Answer: May 1994.
3) Which of these is a LabourList columnist
Answer: John Denham.
4)How many Johns or Jonathans in the Shadow Cabinet [as of November 2023]
Answer: 3. 3 (Ashworth, Reynolds, Healey).
5) How many Johns in the PLP
Answer: 2. 8 (Ashworth, Reynolds, Healey, Spellar, Trickett, Cruddas, Cryer, McDonnell).
Round 3: Quote round!
1). “He died Jeremy. He tragically died”
David Miliband said this of Anthony Crosland.
2) Harold Wilson: “The Labour Party is a moral crusade or it is …”
Answer: 2. Nothing
3) What did Labour aide Jo Moore famous describe as “a good day to bury bad news”?
Answer: 9/11
4) A reported text exchange between two Labour MPs that happened in 2016:
Answer: Person X is Neil Coyle. Person Y is Jeremy Corbyn.
5) Which Labour MP reportedly told a blind journalist to “move out of my fucking way” in 2011?
Answer: Lyn Brown.
Round 4: The Conservative Enemy
1)What song was Therese Coffey filmed singing the night before cutting universal credit by £20 per week?
Answer: 3. Time of my life
2) What is Rishi Sunak’s favourite book?
Answer: 1. Riders, by Jilly Cooper
3) For whom would Dominic Raab take the knee? (Choose all that apply)
Answer: 1. His wife and 3. The Queen
4) In 2018, Jeremy Hunt publicly did what to his wife?
Answer: 1. Confused her nationality
5) Which foodstuff brand did Kemi Badenoch denounce by name in her leadership launch?
Answer: 2. Ben and Jerry’s ice cream
Round 5: By-elections!
1) Before he was Labour’s by-election candidate and victor, Michael Shanks made Glasgow local news by doing what during lockdown?
Answer: 3. Ran down every street in Glasgow
2) Labour’s by-election candidate in Mid Bedfordshire made the front page of the Sun when it was discovered he had dressed up as what as part of a protest
Answer: 2. A zombie.
3) What is Keir Mather’s majority?
Answer: 3. 4161 votes
4) Which union did Sarah Edwards previously work for?
Answer: Unite.
5) How many by-elections have there been since the last general election?
Answer: 4. 19
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