Comment ‘Labour needs to start selling a narrative before it drowns in bad comms’ Labour’s freshly announced welfare changes have been described as “stomach turning,” “cruel” and “attacking the most vulnerable.” You… Dave Cohen 20th March, 2025, 10:21 am
Comment Labour’s silence on Brexit smells of moral cowardice Until now I’d only ever heard Keir Starmer described by five words, and three of them were “forensic”.… Dave Cohen 26th June, 2020, 12:00 pm
Comment Corbyn’s shift on Brexit moved Labour to the centre – now Momentum must take our message to the country Labour’s policy change on Brexit is a welcome move which shows the leadership now understands what is needed… Dave Cohen 17th September, 2017, 7:00 am
Comment My advice to activists: Let’s get back on message, stop arguing in public and get down to the branch to volunteer instead Within days of becoming US president, Donald Trump has fundamentally changed the political landscape. It’s a revolution and… Dave Cohen 13th February, 2017, 11:19 am
Comment As today’s right-wingers exploit the debate on immigration, Labour should look to Churchill in the fight against intolerance Watching the last weeks of the US election was like witnessing a slow-motion repeat of June 23, itself… Dave Cohen 28th November, 2016, 5:30 pm
Comment It looks like a dog’s Brexit – so here’s my blueprint for how Keir and co should fight Theresa May’s three wise men It was heartening, after nearly 18 months of navel-gazing and in-fighting, to watch a Labour MP clinically dismantling Theresa May’s non-plan… Dave Cohen 17th October, 2016, 12:30 pm
Comment The EU Referendum could do to Labour in England what the independence referendum did in Scotland The issue of Europe rarely stirs Labour’s soul. The current attitude of ‘we’re moderately pro mainly because the… Dave Cohen 4th July, 2015, 12:03 pm
Comment We can be winning the economic arguments, right now Watching our earnest contenders debating exactly how many pro-business credentials they have to display to make Labour electable… Dave Cohen 1st July, 2015, 5:22 pm
Comment Labour need a new slogan. How about: ‘Devolution Works’? Labour did well in the local elections and although no one thinks victory next year is inevitable, there… Dave Cohen 17th June, 2014, 12:47 pm