Diane Abbott has today written to Andrew Lansley, urging him to ensure a full disclosure of any meetings between his wife’s lobbying firm “Low Associates” and the Department of Health. You can read the letter below:
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Andrew Lansley,
Department of Health
Richmond House
79 Whitehall
Our Ref: DA/GT/004
16 May 2011
Dear Mr Lansley,
I write to make an enquiry about a potential conflict of interest at the Department of Health.
On the 6th May I asked:
‘To ask the Secretary of State for Health whether (a) he and (b) any other representative of the Department has hosted any meeting with (i) Low Associates and (ii) any client of Low Associates in the last six months.’
Simon Burns MP, the Minister of State for and member for Chelmsford replied that:
‘Neither the Secretary of State for Health, my right hon. Friend Mr Lansley, or any of his ministerial colleagues have had any meetings with Low Associates. My right hon. Friend has formally declared his wife’s position as managing director of Low Associates to the permanent secretary (which was subsequently included in the List of Ministers’ Interests published on the Cabinet Office website) and taken appropriate steps to avoid any conflict of interest with his ministerial duties. All ministerial meetings with external organisations are published quarterly on the Department’s website. It would incur disproportionate cost to check whether any officials from the Department have met with Low Associates. The Department does not hold details of Low Associates’ clients.’
Following newspaper reports on this issue over the weekend, could I please request that you provide urgent clarification on whether any department officials have met with Low Associates, or their clients.
We need to know whether there has been any kind of ‘conflict of interest’. I think it is vital for the government to be straight with people about this. We need openness and transparency.
When it comes to health policy, there are widespread concerns that the government’s approach is being driven by big businesses and private interests, which makes this issue even more significant.
I trust that you will ensure that full disclosure of any meetings hosted by the Department of Health with Low Associates is published.
Yours sincerely,
Diane Abbott MP
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