Boris Johnson would be a tougher opponent for Labour than David Cameron, in the opinion of Labour supporters. That’s one of the headline results from our latest State of the Party survey, with 51% of those who voted saying that Boris would be harder to beat than Cameron, with 22% disagreeing, and a further 22% saying that a change of leader would make no difference for the Tories.
The lack of an Olympics bounce for the government will likely ramp up the pressure on Cameron and add a few more names to the Boris bandwagon – 48% of LabourList readers believe that the Tories won’t get an Olympic Bounce, whilst 39% disagree.
Whilst the Tory leader may be under pressure, Ed Miliband’s position looks stronger than ever, with 66% of our readers rating his performance as Excellent or Good, up from only 20% at the turn of the year. 23% believe that his performance has been average, with just 11% believing that his performance has been Poor or Very Poor (down from a huge 51% in December). Miliband will go into this year’s party conference in a far stronger position to last year’s.
Elsewhere in the survey, there was overwhelming support for a British Robin Hood tax, with 78% of those who voted agreeing that Labour should push for such a levy, following France.
And General Secretary Iain McNicol has received a vote of confidence from LabourList readers as he approaches his first anniversary in the role. 11% think he has been Excellent, 34% Good and 26% Average, with only 11% believing that he has been Poor or Very Poor.
Check LabourList tomorrow to see how the last month has impacted on your shadow cabinet rankings, and on Friday when we’ll be announcing the latest MP of the month…
547 LabourList readers voted in the survey. Thanks to everyone who voted.
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