Labour should stand against Theresa May’s decision to pull Britain out of the single market, LabourList readers overwhelmingly say.
Nearly three quarters of respondents – 74.44 per cent – think Labour should oppose the prime minister’s plan to end Britain’s membership of the trading bloc, with one in five, 21.09 per cent thinking the party shouldn’t. Some four per cent were unsure.
In the prime minister’s speech on Tuesday she laid out more detail of what her Brexit negotiating approach will be. We’ve laid out what the potential pitfalls for Labour could be.
Readers believe Labour should continue preparing for a possible snap general this year, even with some predicting that May has made it less likely with her decision to give parliament a vote on her final Brexit deal.
Some 77.55 per cent of readers think we should still be preparing for the possibility, but 17 per cent think we shouldn’t. Six per cent are unsure.
On whether Labour should move quickly to hold a by-election in Stoke-on-Trent central, a move which is reportedly likely, readers are a little less decisive.
It receives backing from just over half of respondents, with 57 per cent thinking we should. Some 22 per cent think we shouldn’t, and 21 per cent are unsure.
Jamie Reed confirmed on his website today that he is resigning slightly earlier than anticipated so that the two by-elections, in Stoke Central and Copeland, can be held on the same day.
2,353 people voted in last week’s survey. Thanks to everyone who took part.
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