“We are ready to form a government,” Starmer says as he demands election

Elliot Chappell

Keir Starmer has told the public that Labour is “ready to form a government” and called for a general election to be held “so the public can make their minds up about this utter chaos” following Liz Truss’ resignation.

In an interview this afternoon, following the Prime Minister’s announcement that she would be stepping down and that another Conservative leadership election will be held within a week, the Labour leader described the situation as a “mess”.

“This is not just a soap opera at the top of the Tory Party, it is doing huge damage to our economy and to the reputation of our country. The public are paying with higher prices, with higher mortgages,” Starmer said.

“We can’t have a revolving door of chaos. We can’t have another experiment at the top of the Tory Party. There is an alternative and that’s a stable Labour government – and the public are entitled to have their say.”

He argued that the “damage that has been inflicted on the public through higher prices and mortgages is considerable”. Truss’ short tenure as Prime Minister was plunged into doubt when Kwasi Kwarteng – her later sacked Chancellor – unveiled a host of unfunded tax cuts in the controversial ‘mini-Budget’.

“These are real lives that are being impacted by the mess at the top of the Tory Party. We’ve had this revolving door, we’ve had these experiments at the top of the Tory Party. The public are entitled to choose between this utter chaos and a Labour Party that will stabilise the economy and has got a clear plan for growth and living standards and for jobs of the future,” Starmer said.

Asked whether a general election would “prolong the instability”, the Labour leader said: “The risk at the moment is continuing with this chaos. Not having a stable Labour government…

“We can’t just allow the Tory Party to just keep putting up the next candidate in the middle of this chaos. There is a choice. There is a Labour Party that’s capable of stabilising the economy, has a clear plan and the public are entitled to choose between that stable Labour government and this utter chaos of the Conservatives.”

Asked whether he is ready for government, he said: “We are ready to form a government, to stabilise the economy and implement a real plan for growth, for living standards, to help people through a cost-of-living crisis and that’s the choice now: a stable Labour government or this utter chaos from the Conservatives.”

Truss announced her resignation today – after spending just six weeks in the role – in a statement delivered from Downing Street. She told the public that the Conservatives will hold its second leadership election this year, to conclude within a week, and that she will remain in office until her successor is chosen.

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