Israel-Hamas war: Which frontbench and backbench Labour MPs back a ceasefire?

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Keir Starmer is facing continued calls from within the Labour Party to back an immediate ceasefire in the conflict between Israel and Hamas, including from members of his frontbench, Labour metro mayors and the leader of Scottish Labour.

The Labour leader has consistently highlighted Israel’s right to defend itself, but also said the party supports “humanitarian pauses”, as proposed by US secretary of state Anthony Blinken.

Below is a rolling list of the Labour frontbenchers who have expressed support for a ceasefire or retweeted others’ calls for a ceasefire, followed by a list of Labour MPs who have signed an early day motion (EDM) or King’s Speech amendment backing a ceasefire.

Other backbenchers may have publicly backed a ceasefire, but not signed the EDM or amendment, and are not included in the latter list.

Last updated on November 8th; if we are missing any names please email us at [email protected].

Labour frontbenchers expressing support for a ceasefire

Rushanara Ali, shadow investment and small business minister

Paula Barker, shadow devolution and the English regions minister

Alex Cunningham, shadow courts and legal services minister

Tan Dhesi, shadow exchequer secretary* (he called for a “cessation of hostilities”)

Florence Eshalomi, shadow democracy minister

Mary Foy, one of deputy leader Angela Rayner’s parliamentary private secretaries

Imran Hussain, shadow minister for the New Deal for Working People (now resigned)

Afzal Khan, shadow exports minister

Seema Malhotra, shadow minister for skills* (she called for a “cessation of hostilities”)

Navendu Mishra, one of deputy leader Angela Rayner’s parliamentary private secretaries

Taiwo Owatemi, opposition whip

Sarah Owen, shadow local government, faith and communities minister

Yasmin Qureshi, shadow women and equalities minister

Naz Shah, shadow crime reduction minister

Matt Western, shadow minister for higher education

Labour frontbenchers sharing others’ calls for a ceasefire

Rachel Hopkins, shadow veterans minister

Kim Leadbeater, opposition whip

Jess Phillips, shadow domestic violence and safeguarding minister

Andy Slaughter, shadow solicitor general

LabourList has approached the above MPs to ask if their reposts of other people’s pro-ceasefire messages on X was an endorsement.

Labour MPs signing early day motion or amendment backing a ceasefire

An EDM – tabled by Labour MP Richard Burgon – backing calls for the government to “urgently press all parties to agree to an immediate de-escalation and cessation of hostilities” has so far been signed by more than 90 MPs, including the following Labour MPs.

EDMs are motions submitted for debate in the House of Commons for which no day has been fixed, meaning very few are actually debated. According to the parliament website, EDMs are used to “put on record the views of individual MPs or to draw attention to specific events or campaigns”.

Labour MP Zarah Sultana has also filed an amendment to the King’s Speech backing a ceasefire, with signatories included below too.

Some other MPs may have backed a ceasefire publicly but not signed the EDM or amendment, and are not included in this list.

Richard Burgon (primary sponsor)

John McDonnell (sponsor)

Grahame Morris (sponsor)

Beth Winter (sponsor)

Zarah Sultana (sponsor)

Nadia Whittome (sponsor)

Ian Lavery

Jon Trickett

Bell Ribeiro-Addy

Kim Johnson

Kate Osborne

Ian Byrne

Olivia Blake

Sam Tarry

Tony Lloyd

Ian Mearns

Apsana Begum

Clive Lewis

Andy McDonald

Barry Gardiner

Liam Byrne

Mick Whitley

Rebecca Long-Bailey

Lloyd Russell-Moyle

Dawn Butler

Cat Smith

Rachael Maskell

Marsha de Cordova

Clive Betts

Kate Hollern

Kate Osamor

Mohammad Yasin

Stephen Timms

Debbie Abrahams

Jon Cruddas

Khalid Mahmood

Tahir Ali

Karl Turner

Rupa Huq

Rosena Allin-Khan

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