Comment If consensus cannot be reached, we must vote on a Remain stance Conference is here and – for the second year running – Brexit is once again front and centre… Clive Lewis 21st September, 2019, 12:00 pm
Comment The left is now leading the anti-Brexit movement Every week has its drama, but seriously: what a huge week this has been for our politics. In… Clive Lewis 6th September, 2019, 7:30 am
Comment Why I’m ready to occupy parliament to stop the coup Strange things are happening in Britain. An unelected Prime Minister has asked an unelected head of state to… Clive Lewis 30th August, 2019, 3:10 pm
Comment Brexit will put America first and workers last. We must stop Boris Less than three months to go until Boris Johnson drives us off a cliff, and it certainly has… Clive Lewis 16th August, 2019, 12:00 pm
Comment We’ve come a long way on Brexit – but let’s keep up the pressure I had the pleasure of spending Monday evening at the Love Socialism Rebuild Britain Transform Europe meeting in… Clive Lewis 19th July, 2019, 7:45 am
Comment Let’s show Brexit for what it always has been: a hard-right Tory project Nothing says ‘taking back control’ and clawing back sovereignty like suspending a democratically elected parliament to stop it… Clive Lewis 14th June, 2019, 8:33 am
Comment Love Socialism Hate Brexit: We’re going on tour and want to meet you Love Socialism Hate Brexit is a group made up of Labour MPs who came together in February to… Clive Lewis 11th April, 2019, 8:05 am
Comment If a deal is passed, Brexit never ends. We must put a stop to it If a deal goes through parliament, Brexit never ends. The mood in every part of the country, and… Clive Lewis & Kate Osamor 21st March, 2019, 1:14 pm
Comment Closing our eyes to racism against one group only emboldens racism against us all This was delivered as a speech in the recent Commons debate on modern antisemitism. For me, this debate… Clive Lewis 22nd February, 2019, 12:17 pm
Comment Clive Lewis: Grayling’s calls for a strike ban are a smokescreen to hide his own failings in the run-up to Christmas This is the full statement published by shadow business secretary Clive Lewis on the latest wave of industrial… Clive Lewis 20th December, 2016, 9:00 am