Comment Fighting TTIP, defending workers’ rights and protecting refugees: Corbyn’s EU speech This is the speech entitled The EU referendum is era-defining moment for workers’ rights given by Jeremy Corbyn at the… Jeremy Corbyn 2nd June, 2016, 10:57 am
Comment Jeremy Corbyn isn’t offering inaction, but a different response to crisis When a tragedy strikes, the people convinced they know the solution to the situation are the ones who… Maya Goodfellow 18th November, 2015, 9:07 am
News Jeremy Corbyn calls for political settlement to end Syria conflict Jeremy Corbyn has highlighted three questions that need to be answered about the way ISIS operates, and suggested… 16th November, 2015, 2:06 pm
Comment We have told the people of France we will stand with them. We must mean it As Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn has been clear that he understands our responsibilities to one another does not… Conor Pope 15th November, 2015, 8:43 am
News “We stand united” – Corbyn pens letter of support to President Hollande Jeremy Corbyn has written a letter of condolence and support to France’s President Francois Hollande, following yesterday terrorist… 14th November, 2015, 2:32 pm
News Jeremy Corbyn: “This is an attack on all of us” Jeremy Corbyn has sent his support to the people of Paris after last night’s terrorist attacks, which have… 14th November, 2015, 11:42 am
Comment What does being British mean for Britons who don’t live in the UK? A great deal of media space has been given to immigration, not least by the xenophobic UKIP, over… Val Stevens 13th July, 2014, 10:55 am
Comment A complex lesson for the French Socialists Socialists down; Front National (FN) up: the far right creeps forward in France’s local elections. It would be… Hadleigh Roberts 24th March, 2014, 4:58 pm
Comment Where are the centre-left governments that Labour can learn from? France’s president Francois Hollande was in Britain at the end of this week and it was noticeable how… Sally Gimson 3rd February, 2014, 11:18 am
Comment The strange death of social democracy: what Labour can learn from the Left in Europe European politics: a game involving up to forty-seven democracies. Terms last four to five years, and then the… Stephen Bush 13th September, 2013, 10:36 am