News Interview: New FBU general secretary on the danger of austerity, fighting Reform at work and socialism starting at home New general secretary of the Fire Brigades Union Steve Wright has warned the government against “any return to… Daniel Green 4th February, 2025, 4:00 am
News Union leaders call on Keir Starmer to end ‘food bank Britain’ General secretaries of some of the country’s leading trade unions have called upon Keir Starmer and the new… Daniel Green 18th September, 2024, 8:56 am
News Paul Nowak interview: ‘I’ll tell it straight to Labour – and push for wealth taxes’ When James Callaghan was Prime Minister, an often referenced opinion poll found that Jack Jones, the general secretary… Morgan Jones 21st July, 2024, 7:30 am
general election 2024 ‘How Labour’s New Deal for Working People will strengthen trade unions’ Labour quietly released its finalised employment reforms on May 24th – although some parts of it, for instance… Alex Maguire 2nd June, 2024, 7:00 am
Comment ‘Labour’s vision for growth must have trade unions at its heart’ The Economy 2030 project, which publishes its final conclusions today, has been a wake-up call for a UK… Mike Clancy 4th December, 2023, 5:04 pm
Columnist ‘How do Labour annual conference, its policy process and votes all work?’ The Labour Party’s annual conference is the one of the biggest political events in Europe. It is Labour’s… Alice Perry 1st October, 2023, 8:00 am
Columnist Alice Perry: Advice for those thinking about seeking Labour selection Every year Labour needs thousands of talented, motivated people to represent their communities as local councillors. We also… Alice Perry 15th August, 2023, 1:53 pm
News Unite votes to stay affiliated to Labour but warns ‘no blank cheques’ The trade union Unite has “overwhelmingly” rejected a motion to disaffiliate from the Labour Party. Responding to the… Morgan Jones 10th July, 2023, 11:17 am
Comment ‘Electoral reform has gone from niche to consensus view – Labour must back PR’ “The flaws in the current voting system are contributing to the distrust and alienation we see in politics.”… David Ward & Abbie Jones 16th June, 2023, 9:24 am
News TSSA to ballot members on Starmer or Long-Bailey, Rayner or Allin-Khan TSSA will ballot its members to “have the final say” in who it nominates in Labour’s leadership contests,… Elliot Chappell 16th January, 2020, 2:02 pm