Comment Unions aren’t at the end of their journey – they still have so much more to give In recent years, unions have come under attack. Successive Conservative Prime Ministers have systematically targeted our movement. We’ve seen… Dave Prentis 22nd February, 2019, 7:30 am
News Trade union leaders react to Labour split Seven MPs have quit the Labour Party and formed “The Independent Group”. Here’s our round-up of reactions from trade… 18th February, 2019, 12:13 pm
Comment We’re turning the tide against outsourcing in London universities Each morning at University College London, thousands of students and lecturers flow through the Bloomsbury campus, past the… Jack Phipps 13th February, 2019, 12:00 pm
Comment Shelly Asquith’s TU-esday round-up: Brummie bin strike, musicians’ flash mob Strikes and ballots The Birmingham bin strike is back on next week, as the workers assert yet again… Shelly Asquith 12th February, 2019, 8:23 am
Comment Shelly Asquith’s TU-esday round-up: 2019 so far One month into 2019, union members have been on the offensive across sectors, with pay awards coming… Shelly Asquith 29th January, 2019, 1:03 pm
News Union leaders react to Brexit meetings with PM Trade union general secretaries are meeting with Theresa May today to discuss breaking the Brexit deadlock. Unite’s Len… Sienna Rodgers 24th January, 2019, 12:22 pm
Comment Shelly Asquith’s TU-esday round-up: Tube strike, Labour councils and firefighters Central Line strike In a disgraceful attempt to smear the recent ASLEF strike on London’s Underground, Osborne’s Evening… Shelly Asquith 13th November, 2018, 8:44 am
News Unison launches ‘Grovember’ as it becomes the UK’s biggest trade union Unison has become the UK’s biggest trade union, with over 1.3 million members in both public and private… Sienna Rodgers 6th November, 2018, 2:33 pm
Comment Labour must stop outsourcing the fight against racism – and take the lead Almost a third of British people now believe the myth that there are ‘no-go zones’ where non-Muslims cannot… Ruth Cashman and Hassina Malik 24th October, 2018, 8:50 am
Comment Shelly Asquith: The media ignores trade union activity. This is how I’m fighting back The media barely reports on trade union activity – at least not any more. In fact, the Morning… Shelly Asquith 17th October, 2018, 7:30 am