By Mark Ferguson / @markfergusonuk
Oliver Letwin gained plenty of attention recently when he was revealed to have made some dubious remarks about people from Sheffield taking holiday’s abroad. This wasn’t the first time (or the last time) that Letwin has inserted his foot into his mouth, so as a Friday afternoon service, we’ve decided to compile some of Oliver Letwin’s greatest gaffes (in no particular order). If you think we’ve missed any, tell us in the comments below.
5. ‘NHS will not exist under Tories’ – June 2004
Was this a gaffe, or was Letwin laying the groundwork for Andrew Lansley seven years in advance? As the Independent reported at the time:
“Oliver Letwin has reportedly told a private meeting that the “NHS will not exist” within five years of a Conservative election victory.”
“The Shadow Chancellor said that the health service would instead be a “funding stream handing out money to pay people where they want to go for their healthcare”, according to a member of the audience.”
Gaffe rating: 3/10 (it’s not much of a gaffe if it might be true)
4. We’re facing a growth and jobs crisis – March 2011
Speaking to the environmental audit select committee, Letwin said:
“Leading up to the recent Budget, we took the view collectively in Cabinet that we faced an immediate national crisis in the form of less growth and jobs than we needed.”
This wasn’t the gaffe though. The gaffe is surely knowing this and doing nothing about it.
Gaffe rating: 5/10 – because it was really George Osborne’s fault.
3. The Sheffield cheap holidays fiasco – April 2011
Letwin’s big gaffe at the start of this month, and the one that inspired this series. It was alleged by Boris Johnson that Letwin had said in a private conversation:
“We don’t want more people from Sheffield flying away on cheap holidays.”
Gaffe rating: 6/10 – because it meant that Nick Clegg could argue someone else was less popular in Sheffield.
2. We’ve got no idea what we’re doing after 2012 – April 2011
A brilliant spot by Sky – and Letwin’s third gaffe in as many weeks – this gives a real insight into the shambolic nature of the government, and their lack of any plan besides cutting. Speaking to a group of coalition MPs just over a week ago, Letwin said:
“by 2012 we’ve run out of ideas.”
The next election is due to be in 2015. So what on earth have the government got planned for 2012-15, besides cuts?
Gaffe rating: 8/10 – a much overlooked but crucially important gaffe that shows the mindset of the coalition.
1. I’d rather “go out on the streets and beg” than send kids to local school – October 2003
Oliver Letwin’s more horrendous gaffe was back in 2003. He was considered to be a politician with a big career ahead of him, and was serving as shadow home secretary, but he soon unleashed a gaffe that seemed to prove so many stereotypes about the “nasty party”.
Speaking at a Tory conference fringe, Letwin said:
“In Lambeth, where I live, I would give my right arm to send them to a fee-paying school. If necessary I would go out on the streets and beg rather than send them to the school next to where I live.”
Oliver Letwin – man of the people.
Gaffe rating: 9/10 – a horrendous attack on schools that millions rely on, and confirmed that he was out of touch. Sneering and aloof -a gaffe of the very worst kind.
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