The reality of Labour’s position – despite the euphoria about the leadership election and the London mayoral candidate selection from party apparatchiks – is dismal and there is no point pretending otherwise. Carping from the sidelines however effective you are at it is no way to change people’s lives for the better. Like it or not power is the way to make change and not having power really hurts. In opposition you can influence things, you can delay policies and you can criticise but change you don’t agree with is quite often inevitable.
There will be those who suggest simply working for power at every cost should not be Labour’s strategy but those people would have you believe holding onto your principles and gaining power are mutually exclusive – they are not.
There is much, much more Labour has to do before the next general election to prepare itself for the fight of its life and buck the trend of decades out of power post-government. The coalition is providing Labour with perfect and legitimate dividing lines to campaign on; the ConDem approach to tackling the budget deficit is perfect campaigning ammunition for Labour and should be used with both barrels by our party.
A fundamental principle that must lie at the heart of Labour’s tenacious fightback in the autumn is that nobody voted for this. Nobody voted for the ConDems’ approach to tackling the deficit, that is evident speaking to people each day from all walks of life. It is a matter of fact that the Tories campaigned throughout the election on a pitch to cut faster and deeper than Labour, while the Lib Dems took a totally opposite stance (to the Tories), with their leader warning of the effects of cutting jobs and budgets too quickly. Cameron may be the Prime Minister and the ConDems may be in coalition government but it is a simple fact that they have no mandate for the policies they are now enacting.
In order to articulate a credible economic alternative Labour must unashamedly join with trade unions from across the spectrum in defending those who are living each day with in fear of being made redundant. What is just as shameful as cuts to public sector jobs is Cameron and Osborne’s tough talking while they allow the banks to continue governing their affairs as they like.
Bashing the banks and fat cats isn’t populism or pandering it is just plain and simply the right thing to do.
Labour must return to its roots as a movement and build a coalition to question why those who are not responsible for the ‘mess’ should pay with their livelihoods and vital services.
For every dirty political stunt by Cameron and his cronies attacking traditional Labour supporters – ‘Council homes crackdown’, ‘benefits clampdown’, ‘axing Building Schools For Future’ Labour must bust the myths and half-truths: Labour should be arguing that while benefit fraud costs £1bn, tax fraud from the most wealthy cots £40bn-70bn. Labour should point out that cutting 1/4 of the ministry of justice budget (the same size as the entire prisons or courts system budget) will bring our law and order services to a grinding halt. Labour must turn a spotlight on Tory councils like Nottinghamshire preparing to rid 3,000 (25%) of their staff over the next three years.
Pub politics is often a derogatory term utilised in elections to undermine your opponents flaky policies and megaphone diplomacy but what Labour needs to practice right now is some good old fashioned soapbox pub politics. The hoards of public sector workers, families and middle income earners who spend a Friday night enjoying a pint to escape from announcements of further threats to peoples’ livelihoods should be spoken to and listened to. Most people in the UK only have to walk 500 yards or so on a Friday evening to hear the real problems facing society and the frustration of those who feel betrayed by the Lib Dems, irate at the same old Tories and let down by Labour. Labour must realise the latent potential of these pub politicians who are the silent majority (in public and in their workplace) but are just waiting to be given the platform to stand up for their livelihoods and to protect their local doctors surgery, new school building, local hospital or recently cancelled new police station.
If Labour want to be back in the business of changing people’s lives they must set out a clear plan for a fightback and must begin doing it now:
1. Campaign against the ConDems as a single entity
Labour must campaign against the coalition at the next local elections – making the public realise when Cameron says ‘we’re in it together’ he means the Tories and his useless props – the Lib Dems.
2. Create a credible economic alternative
Labour must draw up and begin articulating a clear economic alternative as soon as the new leader is elected. A mixture of taxation (it’s not all about income tax – see Robin Hood tax, wealth tax, inheritance tax etc) and spending reductions is the answer, where stimulating the economy and support for vital public services plays a key role in boosting confidence.
3. New leader/ trade union leader talks and trust
The new Labour leadership must hold immediate talks with the major trade union leaders and begin planning a strong campaign of unity in the lead up to next general election. A new minister for trade union relations should be appointed as a direct and key point of liaison. Labour should be unashamed of its support for and from the unions.
4. Prepare for real radicalism if needed
We must be unafraid of supporting strikes as a last resort – they may not be popular but in certain instances they can prevent further catastrophic damage to our economy and a growing unemployment queue.
5. Re-engage young people
Labour must re-engage the youth of society – the Lib Dems’ treats to young people (removing tuition fees, anti-Iraq war, opposing free schools) haven’t been worth the paper they’re written on and we must capitalise on this.
6. Member policy ballots
The Labour leadership should comfortable with balloting our members on major policy issues – we will need CLPs, local unions and members to drive change, rather than being slaves to the wishes of the leadership.
7. Expand cabinet government model
Labour must expand on ideas expressed in the leadership election thus far. Labour councillors should be represented along with MEPs around the shadow cabinet table, as should representatives of the youth wings of the party.
8. Party finance and funding must be stabilised and scrutinised intensely
Party funds will increase as Labour begins to formulate credible alternatives to ConDem policies. Funding should be targeted from big donors as well as Obama style small donations. Once party finances are stabilised they must be prioritised – running a colossal party debt is crippling.
9. Community organising should be part of everyday work for CLPs, working with local unions, community groups and churches.
10. Party membership must be increased
Only by doing all of the above and making our party a credible alternative to the ConDems will membership begin to reach the levels of the early 1990s.
Although these proposals aren’t perfect and aren’t the answer to all our problems, what is certain is that Labour must fight back and fight back hard if we are to take power again soon and begin changing the lives of the many, not just the few.
Michael Payne also blogs here.
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