An image everyone should see today

left out in the coldDiary of a benefit scrounger

By Sue Marsh

On the eve of the second reading of the government’s controversial Welfare Reform Bill on March 9th, this stark image of disabled campaigner Kaliya Franklin aims to convey in the most powerful way, how vulnerable some of the bills proposals will leave sick and disabled people across the UK.

Just like Franklin’s wheelchair in the image, social care and support will be left out of reach for many of those most in need if these reforms go ahead, literally leaving many “Out in the Cold.” The “Left Out in the Cold” campaign is the work of Broken of Britain who decided to use this one thought provoking image to make their point. The sick and disabled are often left voiceless in society, and they hope that the use of a single picture might reflect this.

Please share this image as widely as you can. Use the Facebook and Twitter, send it to your MP, or send it to those who don’t yet know about the cuts to sickness and disability support. This is the press release as it was sent to me and contains all the information about tomorrow’s bill and the areas we will be opposing.

I hope there won’t be anyone in the country who hasn’t seen this picture by the end of today.

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