“So what?” – Labour members react to The Sun’s “Commie Corbyn” splash

Labour members have responded with a resounding “meh” to The Sun‘s story suggesting that Jeremy Corbyn met with a communist spy in the 1980s.

Today the tabloid reported it had obtained secret files revealing that the Labour leader was given the code name “Agent COB” and was listed by the Czechoslovakian state security team as a source.

Corbyn’s team called the story a “smear” and commented: “Like other MPs, Jeremy has met diplomats from many countries. In the 1980s he met a Czech diplomat, who did not go by the name of Jan Dymic, for a cup of tea in the House of Commons.

“Jeremy neither had nor offered any privileged information to this or any other diplomat.”

Labour members from across the party seem to have united behind the conclusion that The Sun‘s story is entirely inconsequential.

First, the claims are tenuous. Second, if the charge that Corbyn and John McDonnell’s have been supportive of Hamas and the IRA fell flat and did not play any significant role during the snap election campaign in June, it is unlikely this report will make an impact with the general public.


Daily Mirror reporter Dan Bloom pointed out that the story amounted to Corbyn meeting with someone and not divulging any useful information.

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