Comment Ian Murray: We are the party of devolution – now we must be the party of federalism This is the full speech delivered by Ian Murray, Scottish Labour’s Westminster spokesman, at the party’s conference, which… Ian Murray 24th February, 2017, 7:00 am
Comment Identity politics will not carry Corbyn to Downing Street – Labour must focus on spending and security to reclaim power Since the Brexit vote and the surprise election of Donald Trump, there has been increasing criticism of so-called… David Swift 30th January, 2017, 3:30 pm
Comment Diane Abbott: It is not migrants who are making you worse off – it’s the Tories There is a widespread anxiety that the economic outlook will deteriorate. If so, we should expect the Tories… Diane Abbott 24th January, 2017, 1:00 pm
Comment Spencer Livermore: In chaos over Brexit and betraying working people – Autumn Statement showed the Tories are in retreat Last week’s Autumn Statement was a turning point for this government. With downgraded forecasts and abandoned targets, it… Spencer Livermore 29th November, 2016, 7:30 pm
Comment McDonnell pours the jam back on the Tories but Brexit and borrowing mean Autumn Statement is a serious day These used to be spiteful and occasionally jokey affairs when Ed Balls and George Osborne slugged it out… Peter Edwards 23rd November, 2016, 3:57 pm
News McDonnell: Welfare cuts show autumn Statement fails test of help for low-earners John McDonnell said today that planned cuts to universal credit show the Tories will fail his first “test”… Peter Edwards 23rd November, 2016, 9:10 am
Comment Sarah Champion: Today the Tories must admit they have forced women and the low paid to bear the brunt of austerity In every single budget and autumn statement under this Conservative government, women have lost out. As of the… Sarah Champion 23rd November, 2016, 7:00 am
Comment The evidence makes a mockery of Tory claims – we all know there is something deeply wrong with Britain’s economy Next week, we will get our first real look at what type of chancellor Philip Hammond is likely… Alfie Stirling 17th November, 2016, 12:30 pm
Comment Attacks on Bank boss reveal toxic style of Tory bullies The attempts by Tories to scapegoat Mark Carney would be laughable if they weren’t so shameless. The attacks… Rebecca Long-Bailey 1st November, 2016, 9:00 am
News McDonnell says Tories should “drop the spin” over off-course economy John McDonnell has urged the Tories to “admit the truth” over their handling of the economy, after an… Conor Pope 25th October, 2016, 9:29 am