Comment The Jobseekers Bill is difficult for Labour – but I think we’ve made the right call People are very angry about the Jobseekers Bill currently before Parliament. Labour MP’s are furious. Labour councillors and… Liam Byrne 11 years ago
Comment The welfare sanctions vote was Labour’s own Omnishambles The significance of the welfare sanctions vote on Tuesday night has been (unsurprisingly) overlooked by the media in… Mark Ferguson 11 years ago
Budget 2013 Miliband shows his us his passion and flair (but where was that yesterday Ed?) Before the Budget statement Ed Miliband was careful not to use any material that anyone would remember afterwards.… Mark Ferguson 11 years ago
News Labour’s 43 welfare sanctions rebels Update: Actually – there were more than 40 Labour MPs rebelling tonight – there were 43. 40 MPs… Mark Ferguson 11 years ago
Comment Our young people need a real chance to work in a real job paying a real wage Iain Duncan Smith’s incompetence has turned his back to work schemes into a West Coast Mainline-style disaster –… Liam Byrne 11 years ago
Comment Contribution and compassion – are these the key to Labour’s approach on welfare? There was an interesting piece by James Kirkup in the Telegraph last Friday that didn’t get much attention,… Mark Ferguson 12 years ago
Comment It’s only a month until huge benefit cuts – and no-one knows how many people will be affected or how it will play out Last Tuesday it rained. Along with other Labour councillors I was in Hackney Town Hall to be briefed… Tom Ebbutt 12 years ago
Featured Voters back Labour on welfare, and the Tories are unpopular with women – but the poll lead is down There’s a conventional wisdom challenging poll out from the Guardian/ICM today. Conventional wisdom says that Labour’s poll lead… Mark Ferguson 12 years ago
Comment The UKIP surge is not all about Europe – and a referendum is not the solution While some Labourites might be celebrating the Tories’ discomfort over Europe, Labour must learn some lessons too. Lord… Tracey Hill 12 years ago
News Labour to force vote on “mummy tax” today Labour will today table an amendment to the welfare up-rating bill to force a vote on the government’s… 12 years ago