Labour members want OMOV for leadership elections

By Mark Ferguson / @markfergusonuk

Labour members and supporters are overwhelmingly in favour of a “One Member One Vote” system for electing Labour’s next leader, our readers’ survey suggests. “OMOV” was backed by 55.8% of those taking part.

Our survey was triggered by reports that the party is considering changing the way in which leadership elections are conducted. The most recent proposal – adding party supporters to the affiliates section – was given a firm thumbs down, with only 4.5% favouring such a model.

Least popular of all – perhaps unsurprisingly – was returning the leadership elections to MPs only, which received only 2.6% of votes. Retaining the current system was the second most popular option with 17.1%.

How should labour elect leader

271 LabourList readers voted in the survey, which ran from Monday 7th – Friday 11th February. Thanks to all who took part.


How should the Labour Party choose its leader in future?
Answer Options Response Percent
Return leadership elections to MPs only 2.6%
One member, one vote 55.8%
An expanded electoral college, with a new section for the general public, or party supporters within it 4.8%
Current electoral college – but open affiliate voting to all party supporters and/or general public 4.5%
One supporter, one vote – effectively a “primary model” 15.2%
Keep the current system (with MP, member and affiliate sections) 17.1%

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