Shadow cabinet rankings – November 2011

Which shadow cabinet members are most popular with LabourList readers. Our latest shadow cabinet league table sees Tom Watson on top for the first time, overtaking last month’s No 1 pick Andy Burnham. Don’t forget to check back tomorrow, when we’ll be revealing your “MP of the month”.

The rankings are as follows (number in bracket denotes position last month):

1. Tom Watson – (2)
2. Yvette Cooper – (3)
3. Andy Burnham – (1)
4. Ed Balls – (4)
5. Chuka Umunna – (8)
6. Hilary Benn – (5)
7. Rachel Reeves – (6)
8. Douglas Alexander – (9)
9. Jim Murphy – (7)
10.Harriet Harman – (10)
11.Angela Eagle – (11)
12.Sadiq Khan – (12)
13.Peter Hain – (13)
14.Liz Kendall – (16)
15.Maria Eagle – (15)
16.Emily Thornberry – (14)
17.Margaret Curran – (19)
18.Vernon Coaker – (18)
19.Caroline Flint – (17)
20.Mary Creagh – (21)
21.Tessa Jowell – (22)
22.Jon Trickett – (24)
23.Stephen Twigg – (26)
24.Liam Byrne – (23)
25.Michael Dugher – (20)
26.Rosie Winterton – (25)
27.Ivan Lewis – (27)

Shadow cabinet rankings are developed by subtracting the “negative” rating from the “positive” rating for each shadow cabinet member in our monthly survey. “Don’t know” or “Undecided” responses are discarded. You can see more results from November’s survey here.

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