Comment McDonnell: Britain doesn’t want a Bankers’ Brexit for the few – it deserves a People’s Brexit for the many This is the full text of the speech given today by shadow Chancellor John McDonnell at the Institution… John McDonnell 27th October, 2016, 11:10 am
News Labour set to contest Richmond Park by-election despite call to stand aside Labour is set to contest the by-election triggered by Zac Goldsmith’s resignation despite calls from senior MPs to stand… Peter Edwards 27th October, 2016, 9:17 am
Comment The Lib Dems have proved they won’t stand up to Goldsmith – so Labour must Labour will stand a candidate in the Richmond Park by-election. The party’s NEC has ensured that we will… Conor Pope 26th October, 2016, 4:19 pm
News Exclusive: Labour MPs call on party to drop out of Goldsmith by-election Labour should “put the national interest first” and consider pulling out of the by-election triggered by the resignation of… Peter Edwards 26th October, 2016, 10:05 am
Comment Lewis, Nandy and Reynolds: Let’s make this a referendum on Goldsmith, not Heathrow By Clive Lewis, Lisa Nandy and Jonathan Reynolds Just months after fighting a nasty, racially divisive campaign to… 26th October, 2016, 10:05 am
News McDonnell praises “principled” Zac Goldsmith for triggering by-election Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell has praised Zac Goldsmith for his “honourable” decision to resign from Parliament following yesterday’s… Emma Bean 26th October, 2016, 9:44 am
Comment Gavin Shuker: We can’t walk away from the need for a new runway – and Heathrow meets Labour’s four tests The Labour Party was right to set four tests for a new runway. Heathrow meets them. The last… Gavin Shuker 26th October, 2016, 7:00 am
News Khan and McDonnell united in attacking Heathrow expansion plans Sadiq Khan and John McDonnell have criticised the Government’s decision to give the green light to expansion plans for… Emma Bean 25th October, 2016, 1:05 pm
Comment PMQs verdict: Sober Corbyn delivers the detail as Nandy puts pressure on the PM Tough questions, but were they the right ones? Jeremy Corbyn pressed Theresa May today on two issues of vital… Peter Edwards 19th October, 2016, 2:10 pm
News GMB’s anger over May’s go-slow on Heathrow while Labour MPs mull options Trade unionists have stepped up pressure on Theresa May to “stop faffing” over the expansion of Heathrow airport after… Peter Edwards 17th October, 2016, 4:27 pm