Comment Labour has a responsibility to lead the argument on immigration – or risk creating a bigger space for UKIP Immigration has become one of the most polarising issues in the UK and a key battleground in the… Jessica Toale 8 years ago
Comment Diane James can’t save her party from Labour: UKIP will fade fast without Farage Today is the first day in a long long time that I have loved being in the Labour… Dan McCurry 8 years ago
News Denham warns over UKIP threat in Labour’s northern heartlands Former Labour Cabinet minister John Denham has warned of the threat posed by UKIP to Labour in the… Maya Goodfellow 8 years ago
News Corbyn campaign launches member taskforce to push for general election victory Jeremy Corbyn today announces plans to convert his mass army of campaigners into an election-winning machine that reconnects… Peter Edwards 8 years ago
Comment There has never been a better time to be a socialist but Labour must tackle the injustices of the free market It’s not the EU that pushes immigration onto us, it is the unregulated Labour market of the British… Dan McCurry 8 years ago
News Labour suffers shock defeat to Lib Dems in Sheffield council by-election Labour has suffered a shock defeat to the Liberal Democrats in a council by-election in the stronghold of… 8 years ago
Comment The lure of PR conceals many myths – instead the left must learn to escape its comfort zone The answer to all of labour’s woes is proportional representation (PR). Politicians and commentators are scrambling to claim… Sam Pallis 8 years ago
Comment Neal Lawson: Corbyn is wrong – we must not rule out a deal with the SNP It has been reported that during his visit to Scotland this week Jeremy Corbyn will rule out a progressive… Neal Lawson 8 years ago
Comment I agree with Jeremy, for too long members have felt ignored – but this leader is not strong enough to deliver change Defeat in 2010 and again in 2015 should have provided a clear and unambiguous message to the Labour… Mike Ion 8 years ago
Comment From disinterest and fear to hope: why I’m backing Owen Smith for leader I move from being disinterested to frightened about the state of our politics today. From seeing the impotency… Darren Jones 8 years ago