Comment How Labour’s backbenchers could play a role in reviving the party – regardless of the identity of the leader New Labour went into the 2010 election pretty exhausted, splintering, weighed down by the legacies of the failed… Ed Straw 9th July, 2017, 7:00 am
Comment The Tories can always find the money for another war but expect public services to be run on the cheap – Corbyn speech These are extracts from the speech Jeremy Corbyn is due to deliver at Durham miners’ gala tomorrow. This… Jeremy Corbyn 7th July, 2017, 10:00 pm
Comment What the pay cap really means for schools – a Labour teacher’s tale from the frontline No teacher came into work last Thursday planning to take it easy in light of the government’s decision… Chris Vince 6th July, 2017, 12:00 pm
Comment Labour looks nervous on Brexit but if Corbyn keeps young voters on board he can win the economic argument Leavers defend the sanctity of democracy but attack free speech as unpatriotic. They hail Magna Carta but denounce… Dan McCurry 5th July, 2017, 4:00 pm
Comment The single market: pressure builds on the Labour leadership to favour the soft option Pressure is building on Jeremy Corbyn and the rest of the Labour leadership to clarify their position on… Cat Overton 27th June, 2017, 11:00 am
Comment The Tories’ failed austerity project makes people deliberately worse off – Corbyn response to Queen’s Speech This is Jeremy Corbyn’s full Commons response to the Queen’s Speech. By tradition at the beginning of each parliamentary… Jeremy Corbyn 21st June, 2017, 4:37 pm
Comment Labour must hear cry of the referendum if it is to win back its lost working class vote On June 24 last year, the day after the EU referendum, I suddenly found myself, along with many… Matt Bevington 21st June, 2017, 11:30 am
News 50 Labour MPs and peers join forces to call on Corbyn to fight for single market A group of prominent Labour politicians including four frontbenchers and former cabinet ministers have raised the pressure on… Peter Edwards 21st June, 2017, 8:57 am
Comment How the generational gap has overtaken class when people decide how to vote For decades it has been believed that social class was the key determinant behind the outcome of a… Stephen Lambert 17th June, 2017, 7:00 am
Comment Ian Murray: Humbled Tories must shelve the rhetoric of a “hard Brexit” If it’s true that the more effort and ingenuity you put into gambling, the more you get out,… Ian Murray 14th June, 2017, 10:30 am