Comment Bean over Britain: Peter Kyle on the progressive alliance, Brexit and some “irresponsible” opinion polls Peter Kyle is up for re-election in the marginal Hove and Portslade constituency he took off the Tories… Emma Bean 7th June, 2017, 5:00 pm
Comment I have talked about the progressive alliance in the past but this is why I am taking on the Greens’ single MP tomorrow I seem to have caused quite a stir locally because I am standing to be the Labour MP… Solomon Curtis 7th June, 2017, 1:30 pm
Comment Bean over Britain: Labour’s one MP in Scotland on the SNP threat and why our party is the real progressive alliance Ian Murray has been MP for Edinburgh South since 2010 and came through the near-wipe-out of Labour MPs in… Emma Bean 6th June, 2017, 7:00 am
News May’s poll lead cut again as PM loses her lustre after dementia tax u-turn The Tories’ poll lead has been trimmed to 12 points in the aftermath of the dementia tax fiasco. Theresa… Peter Edwards 31st May, 2017, 11:18 am
Comment Tactical voting for candidates who share our values could put Corbyn in No 10 This is the full text of an open letter sent to Jeremy Corbyn by three former members of… 26th May, 2017, 7:00 am
News Exclusive: Labour members expelled over progressive alliance issue fresh plea to Corbyn The three Labour activists expelled from the party over plans to collaborate with rival parties in a bid… Peter Edwards 26th May, 2017, 7:00 am
News Greens back Corbynista ex-MP as he aims to overturn Tory majority of just 41 Labour has received a boost in its bid to win back one of the most marginal seats in… Peter Edwards 12th May, 2017, 11:03 am
Comment Luke Akehurst: Forget the progressive alliance – we need to win votes from the 55 per cent who back the Tories or UKIP I’m bemused by the call by Clive Lewis and Jon Cruddas for Labour to stand down and give… Luke Akehurst 2nd May, 2017, 8:15 am
Comment Manuel Cortes: We don’t need a deal with the Fib-Dems – the Labour Party is already a coalition for social justice With the general election just six short weeks away, there is a rising clamour – from some who… Manuel Cortes 24th April, 2017, 10:23 am
Comment The true picture of Labour members and supporters and their election campaigning by Tim Bale, Paul Webb and Monica Poletti At elections, a good ground game may not be everything… 16th April, 2017, 7:00 am